Have you ever wished for the ability to erase certain things from your memory? Are there certain periods of time, certain things you have done or seen, or certain people that just change your whole self when you have to rehash certain painful memories? I sure have. From failed love experiences to things I have witnessed that have caused sleepless nights. Just imagine the happy existence that could be molded by eliminating the worst experiences you have had to endure. For as long as there has been hardship there has been someone wishing that they did not have to go through the hardship that life has presented. These hardships however are how we learn, and what shape our existence.
The ability to forget a lost love would be great, and might just make it easier to love again… sooner. In forgetting them however we would forget the lessons that the previous relationship could lend to the success of the next relationship. In my case it has taken a failed love to make a successful love. I have learned that there are things that I am no longer willing to compromise on. Seeing a picture or hearing a certain song that makes you think of them, but what I have learned in moments like that was not to regret no longer being a part of that person, but appreciating what that person did for me so that I may succeed with the person who is truly meant for me. These thoughts are inevitable and will plague you if you let them, or they can be used as a tool for learning what it takes for you to succeed in future relationships.
There may be certain things that someone has seen, or had to endure that cause them hardship. These images, experiences, or trying situations help to form the fabric of ones being. Situations not only shape character but also reveal what people are made of and their resolve to prevail in times that may test their sanity. Due to a job that I held I witnessed a lot of things that I would have never thought about otherwise. A couple instances in particular would cause me to lose a lot of sleep over a good amount of nights. The images of these experiences are still burned in my memory, but the way that I know approach them now is to hope that the situations I was placed in will help me help someone else in a future encounter. It has yet to occur but I will hold out hope that these unpleasant memories that I have will aid someone else in dealing with a trial of their own.
The experiences of our lives shape who we are. Our goal should be to learn from our own past life experiences to make sure that we can maximize damage control the next time, or hopefully prevent a next time from happening. Loves of the past have a purpose… not to haunt us with thoughts of what could have happened but to gives us hope for future relationships. Trying experiences also have a purpose… not to prevent us from a good nights sleep but allowing us to help someone whom we may encounter in the future with a similar personal trouble. The trials of a life and experiences that seem to bring the end of the world are temporary and as long as we do not dwell on the negatives they will strengthen us as individuals and prepare us for the future.
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