Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End of the World... Again?

So this is what it feels like to be living in a post-apocalyptic society huh? The end of the world sure was not as bad as I thought it would be. Where were the rivers of fire, the years of anguish, and did I miss the Anti-Christ? or is the Anti-Christ really Barack Obama like Fox News told me he was? Though these claims of the end of life as we know are completely ridiculous, and at times obnoxious, they do make the average person evaluate their current life position. The question that arose for me was, 'If the world did end on Saturday May 21st would I have be satisfied with where I was and what I had accomplished?' Being that at the time of the alleged rapture I was in the mountains of Tennessee with my family and beautiful girlfriend attending a Samurai themed wedding (and no that is not a metaphor for anything, I have pictures to prove it) so I think the answer for me was a resounding YES.
Even though the claims of the rapture can make us rethink our daily life and how we act towards others the people making the claims tend to seem desperate to be right about something, so lets help em out. This coming October 21st (the next supposed world obliteration date) can we organize and all dress as zombies, werewolves, and other mythical creatures of the night and congregate outside the claim maker's house, or if you do not want to do that then just stay inside your house and do not leave for the night to give the illusion that no one is left on the streets. Instead of everyone sitting back and poking fun at the unrealistic viewpoints lets make it real for someone and maybe this will teach him to make claims that are falsely based on scripture. no one knows when the end of the world will actually happen. lets just live and let others live the lives we have been given and lets just dress up like zombies for a few hours on one day and have some fun. unless that is too close to being in a flash mob, then lets rethink this.
Have a Happy End of the World day everyone!
I love you all